Telemedicine is usually depicted as a new technology that needs to be pushed into the everyday delivery of healthcare even if it is difficult to underscore its importance and support its effectiveness. I aim to prove that this is a wrong approach.First, telemedicine is not something coming out of the blue, the demand for it existed way before its advancement. At the dawn of the radio age, in 1925, Hugo Gernsback, a never-resting German technologist invented the concept of the teledactyl that would allow doctors to not only see their patients through a viewscreen but also touch them from miles away with spindly robot arms. As Gernsback explained it, the device would have made it possible to feel at a distance. He basically described the function and aim of telemedicine going a tiny bit further than technology would allow it today.But the need for healing from a distance was already there (more than) a century ago. Patients who could or would not want to go into cities or doctors who yearned for consulting a specialist colleague, they all wished for something to make their lives easier. That something is telemedicine.
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