Smart thermometers could be the next best weapon against flu season. With flu medications only effective when taken within the first 36 to 48 hours that a person experiences flu symptoms, it can often be difficult for a clinician to know whether or not to prescribe medication or which course of action to take for each patient.Moreover, oftentimes flu symptoms overlap with other viruses, or patients simply cant remember how long theyve been experiencing symptoms. With preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggesting that the 2018 flu season may be worse than the 2009 season when the swine flu pandemic strain swept the country knowing how to best distribute much-needed resources can be key to fighting the flu effectively.Luckily, we live in a connected health era and smart thermometers with symptom-tracking applications, such as the Nokia Thermo (previously Withings), can offer physicians and patients a better window into flu symptoms.
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