As healthcare systems struggle with unsustainability, a shortage of medical professionals, while technological development is soaring, digital health seems to be a viable path toward making healthcare feasible. We looked around the world, which countries have the same idea in mind trying to put it into practice. The following national digital health strategies are the examples we found.Why does every country need a digital health strategy?Three reasons necessitate the urgent introduction of a digital health strategy in every country.(1) First and foremost, healthcare systems are unsustainable. According to OECD projections, in Europe, public expenditure on health and long-term care in OECD countries is set to increase from around 6% of GDP today to almost 9% of GDP in 2030 and as much as 14% by 2060. The international organization also found that the causes for the rising public costs stem from the growing needs of aging populations, the increasing share of chronic illnesses in societies, the rising incomes driving higher expectation and the introduction of new technologies.

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