Surgeons at The Royal London Hospital have conducted the first brain surgery on an aneurysm recorded in virtual reality. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University are developing a placenta-on-chip that will mimic the microenvironment of the maternal-fetal interface. The research is an early breakthrough on a future in which neonatal disease can be researched without using actual human embryos or fetuses. According to a recent study, Indian rheumatic or structural heart disease outpatients outfitted with pocket-sized, smartphone-connected ECGs experience hospitalization or death less frequently.These are the latest news in medicine and healthcare. Isnt it amazing? Could you imagine just a few years ago that the world will talk about brain surgeries recorded in VR, organs-on-chips or wearables saving lives soon? And thats only the tip of the iceberg! Have you seen that we can already 3D print organ models, plaster casts or biomaterials? Did you come across the video about the man who lost both of his arms but with a new technology he can control his prosthetics with his thoughts? Or do you know that scientists already used the CRISPRCas9 gene editing method to correct a disease-causing mutation in dozens of viable human embryos?
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