In 2012, vRad embarked on a data analytics initiative to better understand and manage our practice.The good news was we had access to a massive amount of dataabout 18,000 daily reads across a geographically and demographically diverse footprint from 500 radiologists in all 50 states.The bad news was the data was raw and dirty. For example, within our platform, there were more than 15 ways in which our client sites identified a CT of the head.After an extensive effort to build an analytics engine that could standardize and normalize the data, we had the preliminary tools necessary to carefully examine our practice. Since that initial exercise, weve augmented our capabilities, adding meaningful attributes and even Natural Language Processing (NLP) to turn that data into useful information.Weve made operational changes and decisions aimed at making our practiceand those of our clientsmore accurate, efficient and profitable.No longer shooting from the hip, using anecdotal information, we proactively manage our practice with a firm grasp of the issues and forces affecting it.Its a model that, now more than ever, is the future of radiology.

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