Two Maryland licensing boards the Board of Examiners of Psychologist and the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists issued a pair of proposed rules setting forth practice standards for mental health services delivered via telehealth technologies. The Boards previously did not have specific practice standards or rules unique to telehealth. Once finalized, psychologists, counselors, and therapists using telehealth in their services should read and apply these new requirements to their operations and service models.The proposed rules closely mirror each other. Both apply to professionals delivering care to patients located in Maryland. Both allow a wide range of modalities, defining telehealth as the use of interactive audio, video or other telecommunications or electronic media, but excluding an audio only telephone conversations, email, fax or text. Both rules prohibit treatment based solely upon an online questionnaire.The Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists rule allows therapists to conduct the initial patient evaluation via telehealth. The Board of Psychology rule requires an in-person initial evaluation unless the psychologist or psychologist associate documents in the record the reason for not meeting in person. (The rule doesnt enumerate a list of acceptable or unacceptable reasons; it simply requires the reason to be documented.)

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