As innovation becomes a constant process in the enterprise, its important to make sure resources are being used as effectively as they can be. Innovation, especially digital innovation, isnt what it used to be. A word that once referred primarily to medical research and rare breakthroughs is now a dynamic, continuous process at hospitals that entails constantly interrogating the status quo, and improving it by use of technology.As innovation becomes a constant process in the enterprise, its more important than ever to track and manage, to make sure resources are being used as effectively as they can be.What weve tried to do is we said its great that there are lots of pilots out there, its great that our clinicians want to do pilots, but how do we make it so those pilots are successful or can be killed quickly? said Josie Elias, program manager for the Digital Health Innovation Guide within the Brigham Digital Innovation Hub. And how do we make sure we know who they are so we dont find out a year down the line weve got somebody who has a server thats offsite sharing PHI to a company weve never heard of? How do we make sure weve created the guard rails to keep projects inline as well as create the superhighway to make sure that it happens, to see we can actually get projects done.Thats where the concept of an innovation dashboard can come in handy. MobiHealthNews spoke to a number of innovation experts to ask what they track when running innovation projects or groups and when they track it.
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