Google Fit, the health-tracking app that made its debut on Android four years ago, has now been released on iOS. The app has gone through multiple overhauls since its launch back in 2014, but the last major update released last year made it extremely simply to use.Starting today, iOS users will be able to track their Heart Points and Move Minutes, the best way to build smarter, healthier habits throughout the day. Google Fit awards users so-called Move Minutes and Heart Points the more they move and the more intensely they move. Based on the scores, youll be closer to reach the recommended amount of weekly physical activity and reap the health benefits.Its purely motivational, but very helpful if youre trying to exercise but dont find the courage to do it regularly. More importantly, Google Fit allows users to track their progress throughout the day using various apps.For example, app connected to Apple Health, such as Sleep Cycle, Nike Run Club and Headspace, can be synced with Google Fit to offer a more holistic view of your health. Youll also be able to see how many Heart Points and Move Minutes you earn through other activities.Moreover, if own an Apple Watch as well, Google Fit will keep track of all your workout sessions too. Just dont forget to check the apps journal to see what you need to do to sleep better and get more active. You can download Google Fit for iOS right now via the App Store.

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