How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.That may be the best advice I can give the healthcare industry at this point.On this episode, we talk with Dave Marotz, Director of Directory Services at Surescripts, to break down the Provider Directory concept into its component parts capability style.We go deep on the technical and architectural hurdles that need to be overcome to progress Provider Directory. Youll learn about:The various standards-based approaches that have beenare being attempted.New wrinkles on provider context and how we may need to know what the truth was about them at a certain point in time (i.e. rights to dispense a prescription).What should be shared? Who should own the shared data?Why its hard to get something as simple as proper provider names.Strategies for identity proofing and identity resolution.Decomposing the conceptual master provider directory into its component partsThe various industry and commercial approaches to provider directory solutions.The wisdom of working prototypes over ideas for standards or approaches.How Surescripts evolved, why theyre so interested in Provider Directory and why theyre so supportive of collaborative solutions.

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