Fifty-one percent. More than half. A majority.Thats how many physicians reported feeling burnout in 2017 according to Medscapes annual survey. And, its a sizeable increase from 40 percent just four years earlier in 2013.How did burnout become such a sweeping epidemic?There are plenty of contributing factors. Policy changes, changing workflows, ICD-10, new payment models, general workload all perfectly acceptable answers.However, If You Ask Physicians, Youll Likely Hear A Common Theme: TechnologyClearly, technology advancements bring many benefits. But they also can have unintended consequences, particularly for physicians.Consider the example of EMRs. These tools digitize the health record and offer a new level of interconnectivity. However, EMRs were originally designed as billing systems not as a clinical tool. This has often created numerous challenges for the physicians tasked with using them.And its not just EMRs. Healthcare is changing constantly and for nearly every change, a new technology may be required to meet that change. In fact, physician burnout may as well be called change burnout.For instance, the shift to value-based care is currently transforming the industry. It affects payment, care delivery, and no surprise requires an unprecedented amount of technology integration.

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