How might blockchain technology improve digital identity proofing in the healthcare sector? The National Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center and security vendor Trusted Key are testing that out with a proof-of-concept application.The aim for the HealthID application, which in the early stages of development, is the creation of a secure, portable digital identity that can be re-used with blockchain validation, says NH-ISAC’s Kurt Lieber.”Instead of having to have one identity with your pharmacist, one identity with your doctor, and one identity with your insurance company, this would give you one identity that you can port and use with all of those different companies,” Lieber tells Information Security Media Group in a joint interview with Trusted Key’s Prakash Sundaresan.”The users are really anyone in the healthcare ecosystem,” he says. “Patients are one example, but also doctors and nurses that have relationships with different hospital systems or anyone who needs to log in or interface with different healthcare applications.”

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