Verily, Alphabet’s life science division, is building a tech-focused rehab campus in Dayton, Ohio to combat the opioid crisis.Verily will join two health networks, Kettering Health Network and Premier Health, to create a nonprofit named OneFifteen. Alexandria Real Estate Equities will design and develop the campus, which will offer both inpatient and outpatient services.There is no single solution to treating substance abuse, with strategies spanning from intensive rehabilitation programs to drop-in meetings. Verily hopes to get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t work in helping people get and stay sober.”We’re really on this quest to fundamentally transform behavioral health,” Danielle Schlosser, senior clinical scientist of behavioral health at Verily, said in an interview. “I think anybody working in this field should be excited because we’re going to see change with the level of investment going into this initiative.”

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