To keep patient data safe without bursting IT budgets, hospitals must implement solutions that are both effective and efficient.The deployment of robust security solutions and services requires a thoughtful, multilayered strategy that addresses both local and remote patient environments while it also keeps up with the maturation of IT systems and cyberthreats.By a wide margin, email has become the most common initial point of compromise for security incidents, with 62 percent of breaches resulting from a phishing email or similar attack. Attacks are also launched via organizational or third-party websites, hardware and software preloaded with malware, infected mobile or medical devices, and compromised cloud providers but none of those attack vectors triggered more than 3.2 percent of the total number of breaches, according to the 2018 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Cybersecurity Survey.According to the survey, nearly half (47 percent) of attacks in 2017 were caught within a day, while another 21 percent were sniffed out within a week. Still, roughly 4 percent of attacks took between a week and a month to catch, while 5 percent took between one and three months to detect. A handful of attacks weren’t caught for four, seven or even 12 months.
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