WHO & Disease outbreak

The Global Issue of Waterborne Diseases

Waterborne diseases are a pressing global issue with far-reaching implications for public health, economic development, and environmental sustainability. This blog provides an overview of waterborne diseases and why this critical problem must be addressed. Importance of Addressing the Global Issue Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human right, as recognised by the United

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How Vaccine Inequality Affects Global COVID-19 Response

The pandemic has undoubtedly left a lasting impact globally. But poorer economies may have suffered more than their wealthier counterparts.  According to research, vaccine equality could have added some US$38 billion to low-income countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) for 2021 if they share the same vaccination rates as high-income countries.  In addition to income opportunity

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Self-Care Tips During Self-Isolation

It’s strange times for everyone across the globe right now. The Coronavirus pandemic has entire nations on lockdown, with people being asked to stay at home as much as possible. Many people are unable to work; schools, restaurants and shops have closed, and it feels like a large proportion of the world has come to

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How Telehealth Will Help You Conquer the Coronavirus Crisis

Imagine this, an 86-year-old with severe conditions such as heart disease and a cancer diagnosis —  needing to stay indoors, because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he or she is at higher risk for getting the worse of COVID-19. The patient’s need for care doesn’t evaporate… How can you ensure

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Improving and Monitoring Respiratory Health For the “At Risk” Group

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is even more important for those with respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma to monitor their health. Those in the “at-risk” group also include the 65 million people worldwide that have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). If you are living with respiratory issues, make sure that you monitor your

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How the coronavirus outbreak is impacting the Health Industry

The Healthcare industry is one of the crucial sectors. The industry of wellness helps to treat the patients with remedial, preventive, rehabilitative and pacifying care. It consists of businesses that provide medical services, manufacture medical equipment or drugs, provides health insurance, and facilitate healthcare patients. The commercialization of goods and services helps to maintain health.

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