Wellness & Prevention

The Technology Involved in Diabetes Monitoring and Treatment

With technological innovations over recent years, diabetes monitoring and treatment are rapidly evolving. Here is a look at some of the most significant technologies driving that change. Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/diabetes-blood-sugar-diabetic-1724617/ Fitness Apps Fitness apps can be downloaded onto mobile devices to track things like the number of steps you take and the number of calories

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The Importance of Prenatal Care

Choosing a good OB/GYN and getting proper prenatal care throughout pregnancy is so important.  Proper prenatal care can reduce the risk of dangers to the mother and the baby. For example, with ongoing prenatal care, the risk of a birth injury is reduced. A birth injury is something that occurs during labor and delivery that

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Hormones and hair loss in women

Most women accept that hormonal fluctuations are a part of life, and they become accustomed to many of the unpleasant effects, such as the mood swings and water retention of their monthly cycle. Women are also well aware that menopause causes a drastic change in the levels of reproductive hormones, which in turn causes changes

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