Wellness & Prevention

Importance of Safe Drinking Water

Water is one of the basic necessities for life. Studies have stated that humans can survive for a few weeks without food but when it comes to water, people can’t survive a week without it. Severe dehydration can be deadly or it can also cause complications to a person’s health. Additionally, it is used in

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5 Easy Steps to Better Self-Care

 Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash For some people, self-care is not a priority in their lives. Going to the doctor or dentist for regular checkups may be rare, and neglecting their appearance can be common. Over time, this could lead to serious health and emotional problems. When you have others relying on you such

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5 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

 https://pixabay.com/photos/adult-announcement-communication-1822449/  According to the World Health Organization, more than 5% of the world’s population (466 million people) have disabling hearing loss, including 34 million children and 432 million adults. People of all ages are susceptible to hearing loss. Some of the causes include aging, excessive earwax, and exposure to loud noises, among others. What’s more,

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Digital Wellness: How to Create a Digital Health and Wellness Plan in 3 Easy Steps

Did you know that 50% of physicians have used their tablets when giving care to patients? Medicine and technology have long been related, but in 2020, thanks to digital wellness, they are more intertwined than ever before.  How can you use technology to plan your digital wellness and general health personally? Read our in-depth article to find out

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