Wellness & Prevention

Myths and Misconceptions about Cryotherapy Treatment

Cryotherapy or Cold Therapy is an innovative treatment method that uses low temperatures to treat many health problems such as muscle pain, inflammation, different types of tissue injury, arthritis, and cancers of several body parts. Cryotherapy provides anti-inflammatory benefits and is also convenient in treating weight loss and mood disorders. Cryotherapy treatments are aimed to

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Myths and Misconceptions about Vasculitis

The severe inflammation in the blood vessels is referred to as Vasculitis. Inflammation is usually considered your immune system’s response to any infection or microorganism that has affected the human body. This is the normal way to evade your bodys’ in case of any infections. But in the case of vasculitis, the body’s immune system

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How to Boost Your Well-Being with Aromatherapy?

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/essential-oils-aromatherapy-spa-oil-1433694/ When you enter a spa, the wonderful soothing scent welcomes you. Instantly you feel relaxed and comfortable. But, of course, you have the essential oils to thank for that. Blending selected essential oils can help you sleep, relieve your headache, soothe sore throats, and more. That is why many spa establishments offer aromatherapy

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7 career paths you can choose in health and wellness

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed two positive things, at least for healthcare workers: Firstly, healthcare professionals play a critical role and have one of the most stable and consistent careers. Secondly, the pandemic also revealed that immunocompromised people and people with chronic disease and comorbidities were at a higher risk of being infected with COVID-19 than

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What Else Do You Need to Know About Uterine Leiomyomas?

Uterine leiomyomas are noncancerous growths made up of muscles and connective tissues from and on the uterus walls. All fibroids do not cause symptoms, but when they do, the symptoms include, heavy periods, back pain, pain during urination, and painful sex—there are various options for treating fibroids, some invasive and some that are minimally invasive.

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Follicular Monitoring

Do you know that your eggs reach maturity at a certain point every month? If you are trying to conceive, knowing when this period occurs can assist you in getting pregnant. If that is the case, follicular monitoring is the way to go. You need to visit an IVF center. You can visit our Bloom

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