Wellness & Prevention

Medical Mistakes That Can Lead to Cerebral Palsy

Picture: PublicDomainPictures  Cerebral palsy is a physical disability affecting posture and movement. Two brain damage types can cause this disability, including developmental brain malformation and neurological damage. The former is caused by a baby’s brain failing to develop properly, but the latter, which is more frequently diagnosed, results from illness or injury to a normally

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How Is a Gastric Bypass Performed?

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y, is a bariatric surgery done to help individuals with obesity lose weight and enhance their health. It reduces the volume of your stomach and alters the way the small intestine and stomach absorb food, simplifying the weight loss process. When Should You Consider Gastric Bypass Surgery? Gastric bypass

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Essential Practice for Infection Protection at Hospitals

Whenever people are not feeling well, they go to the hospital to understand how to treat their infections or diseases. That’s why one of the most essential buildings where hygiene practices must be properly implemented is a hospital. Instead of becoming even sicker because of hospital infections, people come to hospitals to seek medicine or

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12 Healthy Foods High In Antioxidants

Image Credit – Image Source Healthy foods are often rich in high antioxidants. These antioxidants are compounds that fight harmful molecules or free radicals that can damage your cells. When the free radicals accumulate in the body, they create oxidative stress that damages your DNA and other parts of cells. Chronic oxidative stress can cause

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