Wellness & Prevention

What are the 4 main causes of construction accidents

There are many causes of construction accidents. Pre-construction inspections and testing can help reduce the risk of an accident, but accidents happen nonetheless. The four main causes of construction accidents are: electrocution, falls from heights, slips and trips, and incidents with equipment and heavy machinery. If you want to minimize your risk in the workplace

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Health And Safety In The Workplace

Via Pexels While most people know to take general health and safety precautions when they’re out and about, they may not realize that the same rules apply in the workplace. Safety measures should be taken in any workplace to protect employees and customers. Here are a few of the most important ones to remember. Employees

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Static Stretching To Help In The Recovery Of Sports Related Injuries

Image ‍When someone mentions the word “stretching,” you might picture someone reaching their arms above their head until it hurts. But static stretching is a type of stretch that doesn’t involve this kind of movement at all. Instead, static stretching is to lengthen and extend your muscles gradually rather than perform sudden movements that cause

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4 Best Ways to Cure Eyestrain

Are your eyes feeling strained, and are you wondering why and what to do about it? Eyestrain is a term applied to several symptoms, but they all involve the straining of the eyes that negatively impacts your vision. Let’s delve into this subject and discuss the best ways to cure eyestrain.  Image Source Causes &

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