Wellness & Prevention

What are the Symptoms and Causes of Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is not a disease itself, but an array of associated conditions that occur together, elevating your risk of other chronic illnesses including heart attack, stroke or type 2 diabetes. As far as these conditions are concerned, they include abnormal triglyceride levels, abnormal sugar levels, increased blood pressure and obesity. Having one of these

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Lifestyle Changes That Aid Weight Loss

Most people who’re overweight or obese tend to believe that the most effective way to cut weight is to eat fewer amounts of food and exercise regularly. And that actually works. Typically, a good weight loss program incorporates several aspects. Check out the following practical tips: Eat Regularly Eating at regular times, especially during the

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How to Deal With Arthritis: 5 Treatments to Help Cope With Arthritis

Arthritis is a progressively more painful ailment that’s found in the joint, often manifesting in the fingers, limbs, and neck. It’s generally associated with the continuous use of a particular area, and because of this, it’s more commonly found in the elderly but can also happen through day-to-day use. Anti-inflammatories are the most common treatment,

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Essential Health Benefits of Fresh Juices

Drinking fresh juices extracted from organic fruits and vegetables may positively affect our health. Juicing might even become a better option than chewing apples or celery. The flavor, texture, and health benefits may change when these solid yet natural superfoods turn into easy-to-consume beverages. Thus, here are five essential health benefits that might give you

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