
How an Aging Population Can Benefit from Wearable Tech

The global population is aging, and that is putting increasing pressure on healthcare systems worldwide. However, perhaps nowhere is the challenge greater than in the United States, where rising costs and a patient population that is both older and sicker is combining with a growing shortage of qualified healthcare providers. Nevertheless, the situation is not

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Accelerating Medical Application Innovation by Combining Wearable Sensors and Data Connectivity in a Single Platform for Developers

As the trend towards remote patient monitoring (RPM) continues to evolve, healthcare solution developers are seeking wearable technology options that provide patient data such as human vitals and biometrics for their algorithms and applications. Driven by the evolving healthcare system, the goal with RPM is to lessen healthcare costs and improve patient care, while also

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8 Wearable Devices to Boost Your Fitness Safely

From  electronic health records, to teleconferencing for mental health advice, technology is changing health management. On a more personal level, people are taking care of their health more efficiently through apps and devices they can use themselves. Here are eight wearable devices to consider. 1. iBeat Heart Watch If you’ve had serious heart problems in

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Belgian-American Start-up Byteflies Develops Wearable Technology for UCB Collaboration Project

Media Contact: Hans Danneels Byteflies +1 510 287 6314 hans.danneels@byteflies.com http://www.byteflies.com Twitter: @byteflies Highly specialized Byteflies wearables used in UCB monitoring project for epileptic seizures To accelerate growth, Byteflies closes first investment round of $600,000 San Francisco, Calif., August 16, 2017 – Byteflies, the Belgian-American start-up company, and aspirational leader in wearable health solutions, is

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Technology and High Blood Pressure

Technology is making it easier and easier for diabetics and other people who have high blood pressure to monitor their blood pressure simply and on their own. They no longer have to rely on a doctor to do the monitoring for them or wait until they find a monitoring machine at a grocery store. They

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