
Wearables Essentials for Health and Wellness

Maintaining a healthy life is key to your happiness – both physically and mentally. Modern technology can help you with that while also monitoring your overall health condition. So, why not try some of these gadget essentials for a healthier life? A sleep-aid device can help you get to sleep, and the solar VR will

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New Applications of Biomedical Engineering

The world of biomedical engineering is fascinating. The field combines out-of-the-box engineering with serious healthcare needs in a way that promotes creativity and provides hope for thousands of patients every day. Biomedical engineers are working towards goals that can change and improve lives. Perhaps because of the amazing opportunity to make a positive difference, the

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How smartwatches are changing healthcare for good

Gone are the days when you had to go to the doctor to check your heartbeat or your O2 levels. Times have changed and now we are in the age of modern technology. This has enabled us to do things that we only dreamt of a few years ago. Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry.

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How Wearable Tech Is Emerging As A Lifesaver

The pandemic has made health and wellness a priority for everyone around the world. No one wants to compromise with wellness and no investment seems too big if it contributes to well-being. But healthcare delivery has changed in post-pandemic times as you cannot expect to rush to the hospital for the smallest problems. Remote healthcare

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