
EJ Dalius suggest some preventive measures for combating the spread of coronavirus

The spread of coronavirus has exposed people to an entirely new situation. It has confronted everyone with several unprecedented problems. With the limited knowledge of the common man regarding the virus, it has become imperative to research in the field. Many studies got administered throughout the world. These studies reveal many essential aspects of the virus. Thus, Eric J Dalius indicates the importance of

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RMCHCS Continues Benefiting From Conejo and Other Former Employees

CARF Rehab Award, Residency Program, Patient Safety Award and Exoneration By CMS  By Luis Robles, a 30 year legal veteran and partner in Robles, Rael and Anya, an award-winning law firm of 12 jurists located in Albuquerque, N.M.  Despite the summer termination of former CEO David Conejo and departure of 10 directors, Rehoboth McKinley Christian

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Why do Cybercriminals Focus on the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector is one of the most targeted by cybercriminals. Even more, the 2020 health crisis brought forth an increase in cyberattacks, most of them aimed at hospitals and research facilities. Why do ill-intended actors go for healthcare organizations and is there a way to stop them? https://pixabay.com/photos/doctor-medical-medicine-health-563429/ With the world on lockdown and

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Medical Tourism Market and the Impact of COVID-19

Medical Tourism Industry: How will it respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? The medical tourism sector has been on the up for quite a long time. However, the arrival of a global pandemic has left the industry scrambling for a way out… How many of us can claim to understand the term ‘medical tourism’ or ‘wellness

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Tracking and Reducing Hospital Infection Spread with NFMI Technology

Infection prevention and control practices are crucial in maintaining a safe environment for everyone by reducing the risk of the potential spread of disease. In American hospitals alone, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs) account for an estimated 1.7 million infections and 99,000 associated deaths each year.  The CDC

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What to look before outsourcing toxicology billing services?

The current evolution in the healthcare industry particularly in the toxicology laboratories is somehow creating uncertainty due to complex payment systems. So, in order to thrive during these challenging circumstances, toxicology labs must outsource the best toxicology billing services for financial prosperity.  Moreover, current changes and inconsistencies in policy are constraining downward pressure on reimbursement

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7 Ways Healthcare Providers Protect Patient Data

The transition to modern information technologies in medicine improves the quality of service, makes it possible to conduct remote consultations, remote processing of primary information, store patient data in digital form for a long time and, if necessary, access them from anywhere the world. Visit the website to learn how technologies allow you to follow

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