
How Telemedicine Is Changing Healthcare in 2020

Telemedicine has become a flourishing stake in the healthcare sector. It refers to expertise that links patients and healthcare practitioners together in a digital environment. Patients can now easily access medical services through a computer or smartphone with this development. Telehealth allows physicians to assess, diagnose, and cure patients remotely. It also helps patients to

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Best Practices for Managing Pain via Telemedicine One of the areas of healthcare services that has significantly surged in recent months is telemedicine or telehealth. As many individuals adhere to travel restrictions and stay-at-home policies, it has become tricky to seek in-person consultation. As a result, many people have resorted to consultations over the phone. However, for patients who are managing

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Telemedicine in Otolaryngology: Will it Work?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to mutate and infect millions of people, the healthcare industry is overwhelmed. With some doctors dying by succumbing to the disease, there are now limited ways for people to reach their doctors. Many healthcare professionals are scared of seeing patients because they worry that they will lie about their health

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The Advantages of Telemedicine with Addiction Treatment

Telemedicine technology within the substance use treatment field has endless applications. However, when comparing substance use disorder treatment to other areas of healthcare, it lacks a significant universal technology component. Telemedicine technology is not implemented on a national scale in addiction recovery programs. However, there are indications that it has the potential to transform and

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The Future of Telemedicine: 6 Telehealth Trends Shaping the Industry

What does the future of telemedicine hold? Get an educated idea by looking at the disruptive telehealth trends. Explore what they are in this roundup. Modern-day technology has allowed for the medical industry to provide even more efficient services for its patients. Patients can now get prompt responses from doctors and physicians. Then be properly diagnosed

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How to Use Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic

What is considered telehealth? According to the World Health Organization: Telehealth is defined as the use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth includes such technologies as telephones, facsimile machines, electronic mail systems, and remote patient monitoring devices which are used to

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How Telehealth Will Help You Conquer the Coronavirus Crisis

Imagine this, an 86-year-old with severe conditions such as heart disease and a cancer diagnosis —  needing to stay indoors, because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he or she is at higher risk for getting the worse of COVID-19. The patient’s need for care doesn’t evaporate… How can you ensure

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