
Why Virtual Care is Important Now More Than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way we conduct interactions, both personally and professionally, and the medical industry is no exception to these changes. Patients who don’t immediately need to access hospital care are encouraged to use virtual platforms to minimize close contact and thus mitigate their chances of contracting or spreading COVID-19.   Social distancing

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Telehealth Resources that Benefit Seniors During Coronavirus

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash Telehealth has become widely used over the course of a year. With the global pandemic, it was recommended that telehealth be used as much as possible to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Telehealth is the use of electronic devices and telecommunication technologies that provide care for patients

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The Benefits of Telemedicine

These days, with the coronavirus spreading, telemedicine is more popular than ever. With people trying to limit their exposure to others to the greatest extent possible, especially in regard to high germ areas, such as doctor’s offices and hospitals, telemedicine has become an excellent option for healthcare advice and diagnosis. What Exactly is Telemedicine?   It

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5 Tips for Improving Your Telehealth Practice

We are in an era where patients’ and caregivers’ safety is of utmost importance amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, it is easier to offer safer and more cost-effective patient care through video conferencing and remote diagnostic tools with technological advancements.   Nonetheless, even with so many benefits associated with telehealth, some caregivers feel like they are

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Keeping Telehealth Interactions Human

One of the most significant obstacles to telehealth is the fear that robotics and virtual networks could damage the doctor-patient relationship. How can a patient trust a doctor they never get to meet?  While for doctors, the interaction remains just as positive and effective, even if it occurs via a screen, many patients remain cautious

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AI-based healthcare assistants – Taking the final leap towards making telemedicine globally accessible

Telemedicine has been booming at an elevated pace for some time now. The adaptability has been so strong that it was conveniently taken up by various tech-medicine related companies and businesses right away. Although, they first have to undergo some serious professional web design services to develop a platform worthy of delegating telemedicine as a

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COVID-19 Making One Thing Clear: Telemedicine Is Future of Healthcare

What we call telemedicine nowadays actually started in the 1950s, when a few hospitals and university medical facilities started to look for methods and techniques that would allow them to share images and information via telephone. In one of the first instances of the successful usage of telemedicine, two healthcare facilities in Pennsylvania, U.S. transferred

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