
5 Ways Telehealth Supports Mental Well-Being of Your Employees

Telehealth has not only improved employees’ job satisfaction but has also helped improve their mental health in a more practical way. It has become even more vital to provide telehealth benefits to the employees during the COVID-19 pandemic as they can’t make physical visits to the doctors. Also, isolation is negatively impacting the mental health

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5 Brilliant Telehealth Marketing Ideas You Need To Know

Two exciting things have happened —  the costs and regulatory barriers of using telehealth have lifted. And an urgent need to use virtual health services has spiked because of COVID-19.  Still, there’s an increased need to embrace modern telehealth marketing ideas.  Now with relaxed HIPAA restrictions and easier reimbursement. There’s no turning back to the

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8 Awesome Benefits of Telehealth

When it comes to living a healthy and happy life, there’s nothing more important than having access to quality healthcare. New advances in medicine and technology continue to provide major breakthroughs that help doctors fight diseases and offer treatments that were only dreamed of a few decades ago. One of the biggest advances in medicine in

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The Future of Telemedicine: 6 Telehealth Trends Shaping the Industry

What does the future of telemedicine hold? Get an educated idea by looking at the disruptive telehealth trends. Explore what they are in this roundup. Modern-day technology has allowed for the medical industry to provide even more efficient services for its patients. Patients can now get prompt responses from doctors and physicians. Then be properly diagnosed

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How Telehealth Will Help You Conquer the Coronavirus Crisis

Imagine this, an 86-year-old with severe conditions such as heart disease and a cancer diagnosis —  needing to stay indoors, because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he or she is at higher risk for getting the worse of COVID-19. The patient’s need for care doesn’t evaporate… How can you ensure

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