Stress Management

4 Innovations That Improve Anxiety Counselling Vancouver

When anxiety strikes, it can be a painful and destabilizing experience. At first, you may find yourself rolling with the worries and assuming that with time, the feelings will pass. However, for individuals who experience anxiety disorders, intrusive worries, fear, and hypervigilance can feel unrelenting and can have significant impacts on daily functioning. (1) Anxiety

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What Are The Best Treatments For PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can be a very debilitating condition. It often occurs after someone has experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event such as war or physical abuse. Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and even depression. PTSD can make it difficult to function in everyday life. However, several treatments are effective in

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Teenage depression treatment

Teenagers going through challenging periods. It is not always hopeless, though. Multiple factors contribute to the development of adolescent depression. That depression can be repeated. Some of the major reasons could be having self-esteem-damaging challenges such as being overweight. Apart from that, conflict with mates, long-term harassment, school difficulties, Being a victim or witness to

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Effective Anger Management Strategies Is anger getting in your way? You’ve always been told to control your anger. But, what should you do when your anger seems to control you?  Learn what to do when it seems impossible to keep your cool, and when to consider seeing a  professional therapist to help with your anger. Is Anger Normal? 

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