Clinical research

The 8 Most Important Criteria For Choosing An ELISA Kit Are you a medical researcher, clinical diagnostician, or scientist in the biopharmaceutical industry? If so, you know that ELISA kits are essential for your work. But with so many different brands and types of ELISA kits on the market, how can you be sure to get the best for your needs? Here are eight

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6 ways to bolster FDA’s guidance for diversifying participation in clinical trials

FDA’s draft guidance on diversifying clinical trial data services is a positive step in the right direction, and the agency must continue encouraging diversity in clinical trials. However, more can be done to further bolster the guidance and ensure that it has a real impact on diversifying clinical trial participation. Why is it important to

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Pros And Cons of Taking Part in a Clinical Trial — Is It Safe?

Scorpion Biologics services comprise a team of experts in cell biology, virology, analytics, and drug manufacturing. It is working to support a huge spectrum of drugs from clinical trials to commercial manufacturing. Clinical trials are an essential step in bringing a new drug to the market. For successful clinical trials, people need to work with

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Don’t Wait, Get HBV DNA Tested!

Hepatitis B is among the chronic Hepatitis conditions [1] that WHO is determined to reduce and eliminate through World Hepatitis Day, hosted every 28th of July. This campaign aims at raising global awareness of millions of people actively infected by hepatitis. In launching the theme last year, Hepatitis Can’t-Wait, WHO recognized the urgency to reach out, conduct

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Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Infection: New Research With Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and mutate, researchers are working tirelessly to better understand the virus, its variants, and its effects. As highly resistant strains continue to take their toll, researchers and doctors look for new angles from which to combat the continued spread of COVID-19 and treat suffering patients. One answer for

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What are Inductively Coupled (ICP) MS (Mass Spectrometer) Cones, and How Do They Work?

ICP or Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy is a scientific technique used to analyze, identify, and measure elements placed in a sample matrix based on a sample’s element ionization. Through MS or mass spectrometer, the ions are separated into their mass to charge ratio after the ICP process. Afterwhich, a detector counts the ions per second,

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