
Are Community Pharmacies Still Viable In 2019?

Pharmacies perform a vital function, operating as an all-important link between medical professionals and the general public. For many years, so-called “community” pharmacies met this need – much to the satisfaction of the people who owned the pharmacy and the local community, who could always be confident they would be able to obtain the medication

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Personalized Medicine Built On Titanium Wires Comes to the Pharmaceutical Industry

Personalized medicine is taking another turn and approaching the pharmaceutical industry. Three-dimensional printing is growing in popularity in the field and has some scientists wondering if the practice of prescribing based on generalizations is coming to an end. The Pharmaceutical Industry Today Although physicians prescribe medications for patients based on particular illnesses, the overarching idea of such

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Inside the War on Drug Prices

In recent years, we’ve seen the prices of prescription drugs steadily rise. Price for an HIV drug, Daraprim, saw a 5,000% increase after the pharmaceutical company that manufactures it received rights to the drug. The life-saving EpiPen increased from about $100 to nearly $600 in less than 10 years. These quickly became the topic of

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