Patient Experience

The True Cost of Patient Registration Errors

The true cost of patient registration is hard to analyze because most providers and hospitals have convinced themselves they need to handle patient registration, instead of the patient handling it themselves. Therefore, the cost for patient registration can’t be improved and constantly increases based on new industry standards, such as meaningful use questions and ever-increasing

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Building a Positive Rapport With Potential Patients

Medical professionals gain their reputation through their ability to offer the highest quality of care possible to their patients. When a patient receives quality health care, they will normally tell others about it providing the doctor with valuable word of mouth references that are based on the patient’s personal experiences. What if the doctor is

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Patient Experience 101: The Future of Healthcare

Whatever we do in the healthcare space, it is eventually meant for the greater good of patients, which is why today the aim of modern healthcare is shifting towards value-based reimbursement and with that the process is getting modified accordingly. Gradually, patient-centric care is becoming prevalent. The current standards require enhanced patient experience, and that

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Big Data and the Future of Patient Care

Around just about every corner, there is a story about the use of data in today’s business landscape. Customers are asked to provide information on their location when visiting a specific website, behind-the-scenes technology gathers data relating to buyer preferences, and experience surveys are sent within moments of completing a transaction – all for the

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