
Misconceptions about a Nursing Career

Nursing is a profession that people talk about a lot these days. Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic taking up the minds of everyone in the world, all eyes are on the medical industry. Still, nursing is a very misunderstood profession. There are quite a few misconceptions about it that should be cleared up if we

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What Types of Nursing Leadership Can You Go Into?

The field of nursing is full of compassionate people who are dedicated to helping patients get healthy. Nurses play one of the most important roles in healthcare and have a lot of great career options these days. Some nurses have what it takes to excel in leadership roles. While others thrive in direct care nursing

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3 Trends Changing the Field of Nursing

One trend that nurses can be very excited about is finally having some days off. As vaccines continue to be distributed, hospitalizations for COVID-19 are slowly but surely lessening. As hospitals go back to some semblance of the operations they had prior to the pandemic, a few things learned during the COVID response are expected

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How Have Essential Nursing Items Been Modernized?

Nursing holds a very vital role in the healthcare system.  While most people think that nurses only work in a hospital setting, nurses’ skills and services extend well beyond hospitals. Either working individually or with other health workers, nurses promote individuals’, families’, and communities’ health at large. People turn to nurses for the provision of

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8 Types of Advanced Nursing Specialties

Healthcare careers continue to offer extraordinary growth. The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests a 15% increase in healthcare employment, which equals 2.4 million positions by 2029. The increased demand for healthcare services has helped the expansion of specialized nursing careers for registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). The emergence of multiple specializations

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