mHealth & apps

Successful Ways To Market A New Healthcare App

Suggested Image: Electronic healthcare can reduce medication errors by as much as 83%, according to one study. Healthcare apps are a great way for patients to manage their own health, but figures show that the majority of them have fewer than 10,000 downloads. One of the main reasons for this is poor marketing. So, if you’re in the

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Benefits of a Medical Emergency App

When people are in medical distress, the first thing that springs to mind is an ambulance. Modern ambulances come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They have all of the necessary first-aid equipment, such as defibrillators, oxygen, an external pacemaker, a cardiac monitor, intravenous drips, and so on. Despite the availability of contemporary features,

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mHealth Set to Transform Medical Treatments in Future

Let us imagine a couple of scenarios: A doctor pauses before entering a patient’s room, pulls out his smartphone, and studies the patient’s chart. A diabetic uses a mobile application for tracking their blood sugar levels. While both of these scenarios might have been deemed inconceivable just a few years ago, they have now become

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Security Risks When Using Mobile Devices in Healthcare IT and How to Prevent Them

Image Source: Pixabay The digitization of the healthcare industry did not begin with the global outbreak of COVID-19, but the pandemic has certainly accelerated this trend. However, as healthcare IT devices continue to proliferate, so too do the security risks associated with them. But what, exactly, are the threats associated with these mobile healthcare technologies,

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Running Apps and Form Trackers: Useful Tools for Your Running Belt or Just Hype?

Running apps and form trackers are popular fitness products that allow you to track your running progress, distance, time, and calories burned. Some individuals may be wondering whether or not these products are worth it and if they actually help their fitness journey. There is a lot of mixed feedback about the usefulness of running

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Best ISP with 24/7 Customer Support

With the advent of technology, there are many fitness apps that people can use to track their fitness. There are also apps which you can use to work out at home. Technology is making our lives easier and more convenient than ever before. People are using online apps for their health activities and it helps

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