Mental Health

5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness To Tackle Anxiety

In today’s culture, the term ‘mindfulness’ is one of the latest buzzwords. In our fast-paced society, being constantly busy is often seen and portrayed as something to be proud of. Multi-tasking has become increasingly more widespread and growing technology has made it easier than ever to be constantly plugged into social media and checking our

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How Cannabis Helps Treat Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases are real, and even the legendary scientist Stephen Hawking was killed by one after using a wheelchair for decades. Aside from late Hawking, more than 5 million people in the United States and at least 1 billion people across the globe are battling with one or more neurodegenerative disorders. It’s actually worse than

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Kratom was said to be a tropical tree native to South Asia. Kratom leaves or extracts from its leaves are utilized in remedy for pain and other medical maladies. Various people also use Kratom to self-treat symptoms of depression or anxiety and stress. Although some indication implies that certain strains of Kratom can help alleviate

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How to Create a Workplace that Supports Mental Health

Most business owners are aware of their responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for their employees to work in. They establish safety rules and regulations and keep the premises well-maintained, (which is a great start), however, what often isn’t considered is the mental well-being of their staff. Most overlook the significance because they

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