Mental Health

Quality and Convenient Mental Health Treatments with the Online Video Teletherapy Service

Your mental health is as critical as your physical health. Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the world today. Being mentally healthy not only improves your quality of life but also brings fulfillment and joy into your life. Thriving Mind Psychology specializes in providing mental health care to its patients to

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How Meditation Can Improve Mental Health

Meditation has been taking over the health scene. But many still doubt this powerful practice, despite studies showing how impactful it can be. Meditation teaches you to focus your attention inward and allow the troubles of life to fade away. Those who have a regular meditation practice see several key health benefits. Reduced Stress One

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Maternal Health Disparities Across the US Need to Be Discussed More

Women have special health needs when they’re pregnant and nursing. They have different nutritional needs, activity and food restrictions, and should be monitored regularly during and after pregnancy to look for any potential complications. While many women in the United States have access to all kinds of comprehensive resources and care, other women are not

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