Mental Health

How And When To Approach A Psychologist

Just like our physical health, our mental well-being also needs love and attention from time to time. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take time off, reflect, meditate and understand your emotional health. Often your mental well-being requires the attention of a certified mental health specialist who can delve deeper into the issues and help you

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What’s The Difference Between Counselling And Psychotherapy?

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of adults referred to community mental health services in the UK has increased by almost 20%. Whether you’re considering starting therapy or offering a service to patients, it’s crucial to understand the key features of conventional approaches. In this quick guide, we’ll outline the difference between

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9 Types of Therapists and their Distinctive Roles

A Therapist, often known as a psychotherapist, is a certified mental health professional who specializes in assisting clients in improving their cognitive and emotional abilities, reducing the symptoms of mental illness, and coping with different life obstacles. They function as genuine, empathetic persons who are unbiased, supportive, and capable of providing objective, nonjudgmental assistance, aiding

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