Symplur: Chronic Illness

Is Technology Transforming Back Surgery Outcomes for the Better?

For those navigating the often daunting prospect of spinal surgery, the latest technological innovations offer some hope, promising improved outcomes, shorter recovery times, and less invasive procedures. This is how modern technology is reshaping the landscape of back surgery, enhancing patient care, and providing individuals with newfound optimism for a pain-free future. Precision and Planning

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The Role of Digital Health in Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Do you have a chronic health condition? It is relatively standard to have to manage one, and many people are able to live healthy, happy, and productive lives while managing chronic health issues. There are a range of conditions that can be considered chronic, but the best definition is that they are ongoing, difficult, or

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Leveraging Digital Health Innovation to Reduce the Risk of Liver Disease in People with Type 2 Diabetes

As T2D (type 2 diabetes) and liver disease rates rise, increased risks of cirrhosis, liver cancers, and other ailments loom. But to combat such severe health threats, digital health innovation can be a game-changer.  By embracing emerging trends in healthcare tech, we can mitigate these chronic illnesses’ risks and help countless people with T2D manage

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Empowering Yourself and Preparing for Spinal Surgery in the Era of Digital Health Innovation

Spinal surgery is a significant medical procedure, but you can successfully navigate the journey ahead with the right preparation and mindset. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable tips and insights on how patients can prepare themselves for spinal surgery. The goal is to help you feel confident and empowered as you approach this life-changing event.

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How to Effectively Discover and Evaluate EHRs that Address Chronic Diseases

Electronic Health Records (EHR) companies are looking for ways to engage patients with chronic diseases as technology advances. Chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes strain healthcare systems. In response, some healthcare organizations are launching chronic disease management (CDM) programs to reduce the number of avoidable hospitalizations and adverse events by better managing

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