Gartner: Legal & Compliance

Smart Technologies and Digital Tools for Monitoring Asbestos Exposure in Non-Traditional Industries

Asbestos has been a prevalent material in various industries throughout the 20th century. Despite its decline in use, it remains the leading cause of work-related deaths globally, with more than 39,000 American lives lost to asbestos-related diseases each year. About 1.3 million U.S. workers are still at risk of exposure. The key to managing this

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Balancing Innovation and Compliance: HealthTech Lawsuits and Workplace Wellness

In the pre-digital age, healthcare professionals were forced to input patient details manually. However, there was no cohesive communication between departments, sometimes resulting in disastrous consequences. Hospitals and physicians found themselves the targets of malpractice lawsuits. Fast forward to the present, the medical profession faces another challenge as HealthTech becomes an integral part of traditional

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