
The Next step to Value-based care: Activating Healthcare Data for Physicians

Healthcare has seen a number of life-saving breakthroughs: vaccines, anaesthesia, bypass surgery, the balloon catheter, and even decoding the human genome sequence. These have all changed the face of healthcare, transforming how we do things around here. But there’s one breakthrough which we have known is coming for a long time now. That breakthrough is

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Developing Purpose-Built IT Hardware for Healthcare

The medical industry has always had a strong incentive to increase efficiency by incorporating new technology into care. Improving efficiency reduces operating costs as well as errors, and increases positive outcomes. It makes sense that information technologies (IT), with their almost limitless potential to streamline processes at all levels of care, have been readily embraced

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5 Therapy Jobs To Consider In Healthcare

Therapy plays an important part in healthcare, helping people to psychologically and physically recover from ailments and injuries. Here are just a few different therapy roles in healthcare for those that have been considering this career route. Health coach Health coaches often help people with chronic conditions to make lifestyle changes. This could include helping

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Executive Roadmap for Integrating Preventive Healthcare Services: Payers, Patients and Providers

According to the Polsinelli-TrBK Distress Indices Report, 20 hospitals have filed for bankruptcy since 2016. Looking ahead through 2019, medical cost trends remain stable but extremely high as healthcare costs continue to rise. HRI projects 2019’s medical cost trend to be 6%. This is consistent with the last five years, which have seen trends between 5.5% and

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