
Ways Technology Has Improved Disability Services

With the advent of advanced and digital technology, disability services are now more accessible, flexible, and affordable. A simple tap or touch of a button from a screen and communication becomes effortless. From entertainment, shopping, to setting up a doctor’s appointment, digital technology is an invaluable breakthrough for people with disabilities. In this post, you’ll

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Different Technological Innovations And Procedures In Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has advanced in ways that people could never have imagined. When people talk about cosmetic surgery years ago, they always envisioned procedures that are painful and difficult to recover from. In today’s advanced technology, however, so many improvements have been made. Not only have old procedures improved, but new ones have been invented

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The Magic of Breakthrough technology: A Case of Disrupting the Pediatric Space

Children have entirely distinctive needs as compared to adults. Care is delivered to them in a manner entirely different than adults by care teams that hardly ever double-up as providers for the elderly. In fact, we hear numerous stories of organizations that transformed their care delivery by fabricating children-specific strategies and have been really successful

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6 Medical Conditions You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Every October the NFL and countless other organizations go pink for breast cancer awareness. April is Autism Awareness Month. We constantly hear about general heart health, dental health (and how it affects the heart), and we’re presented with facts and statistics about alcoholism and drug abuse, especially opioids. There are conditions out there, however, that

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Is The Doctor Always Right?

It should be easy to feel a sense of confidence when you visit a professional like a doctor. These people have spent a huge amount of their lives working to get into their positions and their entire career centers around the idea of keeping people healthy. Of course, though, stories are often told of doctors

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How can Marrying Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence Solve its Mystery of Rising Care Costs?

Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing segments of the digital universe, with data volumes expected to grow by 48% annually. Healthcare applications will be the principal driver of this data growth, with EHR penetration in the US already reaching over 80% and expected to reach 95% by 2020. In addition, the healthcare space has matured

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