
The Impact of E-Commerce on the Healthcare Industry

E-commerce has transformed the business world in many ways as it allows for transactions to take place via the internet. It has created a whole new business experience in our lives, starting from online shopping, online banking, and social networking to increased artificial intelligence use. Unfortunately, today most people can barely afford essential services such

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RMCHCS Continues Benefiting From Conejo and Other Former Employees

CARF Rehab Award, Residency Program, Patient Safety Award and Exoneration By CMS  By Luis Robles, a 30 year legal veteran and partner in Robles, Rael and Anya, an award-winning law firm of 12 jurists located in Albuquerque, N.M.  Despite the summer termination of former CEO David Conejo and departure of 10 directors, Rehoboth McKinley Christian

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The Top 8 Digital Health Technology Trends in 2021     Health technologies have evolved significantly over the past decade. The exciting thing is that there are a lot of new trends coming up to be excited about in the Health Industry. Currently, technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, and Virtual Reality are the most promising stuff to look out for in 2021. We have

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