
COVID-19 Paves Way for Hybrid Cloud Deployment in Healthcare

The global healthcare industry aims at catering to the health and wellbeing of the diseased. In December 2020, Nutanix reported that 51% of healthcare respondents adopted hybrid cloud optimization. When confronted with the pandemic, more healthcare employers recognized that the conventional ways to store their data had intact become obsolete. After all, for the healthcare

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The Future of Fintech in Healthcare

Image Source: Pexels Financial technology, or fintech, is a prominent part of every industry. In healthcare, digital finance systems may just mean the difference between accessible payment outcomes for patients or a continuation of the complexity and difficulties that have plagued the system. Advancements in fintech are making a world of innovations possible. These advancements

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Technological Advancements in Healthcare Disaster Response

Every time disaster strikes, we come face-to-face with the reality of how much we have actually progressed in terms of timely disaster response. A disaster can potentially bring innumerable damages, and severe risks to geography, society, and individuals. However, as part of an immediate response to any disaster, healthcare takes the forefront. Every area struck

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Essential Tips For Healthcare Recruiting

(Unsplash CC0) Employee turnover in the healthcare industry is a real problem, and this will be something you will appreciate if you run any kind of healthcare business. There are all kinds of reasons why turnover is so high, and these include problems within the workplace, career dissatisfaction, and burnout. Another contributing factor is the

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Internet of Things Technology & Accessibility in Healthcare

The greatest potential of technology is that it can bring accessible healthcare solutions to virtually everyone. The Internet of Things (IoT) paired with accessibility devices is the future of healthcare, a future bringing equity and safety to the way we treat and manage patients. For those with physical limitations, accessing digital health resources can make

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Innovative Companies that will Change Healthcare in the 2020’s The healthcare industry is not just a bunch of pharmaceutical and insurance companies. The entire healthcare industry comprises thousands of companies in various sectors, from cardiology laboratories to glass vial manufacturers. While healthcare access is always an important subject, the pandemic in 2020 really showed us the importance of the healthcare industry adapting and

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