
Social Issues in Healthcare

We’d like to believe that everyone will have a positive experience when they need to shop for health insurance, see a doctor, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case in the United States. Social factors affect us in every area of life, including health, wellness, and how we’re treated by

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Creating an Eco-Friendly Healthcare Facility

These days, sustainability is a major issue, not only for the future of the natural world but for the future of humanity as well. Human health and the environment are closely linked, and we now know that climate change will have a major negative impact on the health of people living all over the world.

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Get to Know More About Myomectomy Surgery

Many women across the world suffer from gynecological conditions day in day out. Gynecological conditions are very infectious and depending on their severity, they can damage your reproductive system. Myomectomy is a type of surgery that your gynecologist can use to remove uterine fibroids. According to research, fibroids can cause pelvic pain, infertility, painful periods,

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8 Workplace Safety Tips For Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers are today’s modern-day heroes. In exchange for the love and care they provide to their patients, they often put their own lives at risk. Imagine being in a workplace where you know you’re exposed to a lot of diseases, hazards, viruses, and bacteria. These can be detrimental to their own health and well-being.

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What Is Allied Health? The Ultimate Guide

Allied healthcare jobs compose 60% of all healthcare jobs in the United States. Still, few people know about allied health professionals. Most people only consider doctors and nurses as healthcare professionals. When they think about hospitals and doctors’ offices, these professionals come to mind. In actuality, there are other medical professionals. These individuals work in health and

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