
Elderly rural residents have less access to healthcare than their urban counterparts – remote healthcare may help

In the United States, telehealth use was 78 times higher in April 2020 than in February 2020. Telehealth user numbers are unlikely to return to pre-2020 levels, even when the pandemic ends, which is very good news for rural communities. More demand increases the likelihood of healthcare providers offering telehealth services as standard. Inaccessible healthcare

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3 Tips for Keeping Your Doctors Office Hygienic

Doctors are highly trained medical professionals who are dedicated to helping people get better. However, in order to do this, they need a clean environment in which to work. It is the responsibility of the office manager or owner to ensure that their physicians’ practice has an appropriate level of hygiene for patients and staff

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The Future of Healthcare: Value-based Healthcare System

The amount we spend on healthcare is material for jokes and horror stories. The horror stories are usually about people going into huge debt in order to get life-saving treatments or succumbing to health issues because treatments or healthcare were unaffordable. Meanwhile, people make light of heavy expenditure around medical treatment with quips like “Today

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How Healthcare Can Be Transformed With Blockchain Technology

The difficulties faced in global healthcare are well documented. Only a small fraction of the global population has access to qualitative healthcare. Even in the so-called first-world countries, masses struggle to access good healthcare, as it is often unaffordable. When the topic of blockchain is raised or discussed, what comes to mind is the distributed

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3 Benefits Of Emergency Medical Shelters

Natural disasters leave catastrophic outcomes to people, properties, and the environment. Many casualties require immediate medical attention when these disasters hit a remote town, suburb, or metropolitan. Emergency response teams might not penetrate the location due to bridge collapse and road blockages due to the impact of various calamities. Furthermore, local hospitals, clinics, and shelters

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How is Cloud Telephony Helping Bridge the Gap Between Patients And Healthcare Professionals?

There is a lot of talk about cloud computing today. Business operations are moving to the cloud to enhance their services through cloud technology. Consequently, cloud telephony services – a branch of cloud technology – are becoming increasingly popular in many industries today. This change is also influencing the healthcare industry. Innovation and enhanced security

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How Epic EHR/EMR Integration Revolutionizes Healthcare

Over the last few years, the healthcare industry has made a significant leap forward. A digitized medical environment is what’s spearheading the transformation. In particular, healthcare digitization redefines the way we engage with healthcare facilities, share medical data, or make decisions related to treatment.  A growing number of tools such as HealthTECH Resources drive the

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