
Developing Cloud Security Strategy for Healthcare

The healthcare industry is approaching the age of digitally-driven care, running on a real-time health system. These systems heavily rely on the cloud. This means that the health care CIOs should institute total cloud-enabled digitization. Therefore, a properly thought out cloud strategy is the only way onwards. If you compare it with other sectors, there

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Healthcare Cloud Computing: Resources, Benefits and Risks Health Providers Need to Know

Cloud computing has transformed digital infrastructure and business operations across many industries even in healthcare. Healthcare cloud computing is a fast-growing technology every healthcare provider should be aware of. According to Gartner’s report, the global public cloud revenue is projected to reach a total sum of 278 billion dollars by 2021. This figure indicates that

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Driving Change in your Healthcare Environment to Provide Care to All

Technological advances have had a significant impact on the healthcare industry. Tech has enabled healthcare workers to operate more efficiently in addition to enhancing capabilities to better treat patients. However, while technology has done a world of good, it can also lead to a decrease in empathy and communication in the healthcare setting. Patients still

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How to Diagnose Hyperparathyroidism and Possible Treatments?

Are you suffering from sudden hair loss? Or have you been experiencing weight loss? If you answered yes to these medical questions, you must see your doctor. Any sudden changes in your appearance and appearance can be a possible indicator of severe underlying disease. One such disease is hyperparathyroidism. According to statistics, primary hyperthyroidism can

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Nine Ways Technology Helped Improve Healthcare

Image Source Technological advancements have opened new horizons in the healthcare sector, resulting in reduced costs with increased service delivery. At present, it is easier to access patients’ medical records, take medical consultations, and conduct health-related discussions. Technology allows the integration of many new insights in the healthcare sector, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented

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