Healthcare IT

Health-Tech: 6 Ways Technology Is Innovating Healthcare

Image Source As with several other industries, modern technology and innovations have also revolutionized the healthcare industry. From doctor visits to medical treatments, nothing is like it was until a few decades ago. Medical technology is the science of designing tools and software to better cater to patients’ needs and improve their overall well-being. No

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5 Things to Look out for Before Choosing Healthcare App Developers

The growth of technology in the era of digitization caused an opportunity to revolutionize the healthcare industry. Nowadays, users can take care of their health with the help of versatile healthcare applications. Healthcare organizations ensure that these applications help stakeholders like doctors, sales reps, patients, and anyone concerned about their health. There are a variety

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How Modern Technology Can Benefit Your Mental Health Clinic and Provide Better Service to Your Clients

The United States has one of the highest rates of mental illness in the world. An estimated 26.2% of Americans (18+ years in age)  will experience a diagnosable mental illness in any given year. That’s almost one in four people. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women are more likely than men to

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What is a Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

HTA is one of the main processes for pharmaceutical and medical device market access. This type of research is used to generate and summarize data that allow clinical and cost-effectiveness characteristics of a medical technology (drug, equipment, treatment protocol, procedure, or surgery) to be evaluated. Goals and features of HTA Health technology assessment is a

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Features to Look for in Medical Practice Management Software

To run any organization, there should be proper administration and rules to perform the operations and ensure smooth functioning. Optimized processes ensure better focus on their patients. It will empower quality work and find accuracy in every situation. Medical Practice Management: It is software that coordinates and automates the data in real-time. This tool helps

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4 Possibilities a Modern Healthcare Data Repository Presents to Insurance Companies

Many of today’s health insurance companies—including those that have attempted to undergo digital transformations in light of the times—still subscribe to outdated data management methods. The most common approaches utilize data lakes or repositories that compile raw and unstructured data from both internal and external sources. Insurers often think that culling from these repositories will

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Why Should Healthcare Organizations Use A Behavioral Health Platform?

It is believed that about 25% of the population will likely experience mental illness at some point in their lives. And today, there are millions of people in the United States who are battling mental health or behavioral health disorders. With that, it’s now commonly accepted that integrating behavioral health platforms as treatment with primary

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The Key to Creating Successful SaMD Products

Utilizing SaMD software as a medical device development resource is the way to go if you’re looking to diagnose, treat, or participate in condition monitoring and management. The benefits of SaMD software is vast, especially when it comes to digital therapeutics. With SaMD, you can generate and feed highly relevant clinical data across various medical

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Industry Guide for Healthcare Software Development

The way technological enhancements are taking over the world is indeed commendable. Today, healthcare software development has become common. A growing number of institutions and organizations are spending millions and billions of dollars on high-quality software engineering for the healthcare industry to enhance patient satisfaction, increase worker productivity, and streamline the delivery of medical care

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