Healthcare IT

Why Virtual Care is Important Now More Than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way we conduct interactions, both personally and professionally, and the medical industry is no exception to these changes. Patients who don’t immediately need to access hospital care are encouraged to use virtual platforms to minimize close contact and thus mitigate their chances of contracting or spreading COVID-19.   Social distancing

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Innovative Companies that will Change Healthcare in the 2020’s The healthcare industry is not just a bunch of pharmaceutical and insurance companies. The entire healthcare industry comprises thousands of companies in various sectors, from cardiology laboratories to glass vial manufacturers. While healthcare access is always an important subject, the pandemic in 2020 really showed us the importance of the healthcare industry adapting and

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Latest Trends in Healthcare Cloud Computing For 2021

The current pandemic has changed the perception of all the industries. The pandemic made the world realize that the healthcare sector needs revolutionary changes. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other significant advances in hospital management software are bringing; in the change for a healthy tomorrow.     2020 was a difficult year for the healthcare sector and its workers

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CanTechnology Save Health Care?

Over the past 15 years, new communication channels and wireless technologies have been added to standard face-to-face doctor visits. The ubiquity of smartphones has made health data more accessible to patients and their families, as well as in some cases increasing treatment options. Carrying out a video consultation, also referred to as telemedicine, instead of

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The Innovative Technologies Working to Reduce Health Disparities in America

In the last few decades, our ability to collect and process data has given us access to some eye-opening insights and statistics. Health disparities have been a problem throughout human history, but in our modern society with access to advanced technology and data, these issues have been coming to light.  Vulnerable populations in the United

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