Healthcare IT

Redefining the Future of Healthcare: Strategic Trends & Best Practices

In the post-pandemic world, the healthcare industry finds itself at a crossroads. The first option is to maintain conventions and traditions which is a stable way but, we have all witnessed the consequences as an overwhelming majority of healthcare institutions struggled to provide services effectively to their patients. The alternative is to go for digitalization

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A Quick Introduction to Ambient Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry

A recent survey showed that 42% of healthcare workers reported experienced work-related burnout. COVID-19 has definitely contributed to this alarmingly high statistic. But even before the pandemic, the healthcare industry had a reputation for high rates of burnout. Doctors become doctors because they care about their patients. But, other admin leaves little time to put

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How SIBERGEN technologies are helping in Healthcare IT services?

SIBERGEN technologies are one of the country’s driving medical care IT specialist co-ops. With over a decade of involvement in giving medical care IT administrations, we comprehend your extraordinary innovative requirements. Healthcare IT services include the increment charging in your key divisions, guarantee the wellbeing and security of your information and clinical records, lower information

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Talking to Patients: 3 Strategies to Improve Doctor-to-Patient Communication

Medical conditions, whether mild or severe, can shake up patients’ lives. So for doctors, skills and experience aren’t the only elements to consider. Excellent communication also makes a world of difference to medical practitioners’ services. Doing so can transform your medical practice. But it might have been too long since medical school. Or you were just never taught.

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Health trends in 2021: Telehealth, Consumerization, and Diagnostic aid powered by AI

The digital transformation of the health sector accelerated in 2020 and will continue in 2021. Needless to say… Telehealth will allow better access to care. Deploying AI-powered solutions will improve the experience for patients and caregivers. The increased integration of systems for better information flow will translate into health benefits and financial gains. Above all…

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