Healthcare IT

Cerner EMR Vs Epic EMR: The Battle Of The Finest

Epic and Cerner- are both on-premise software development companies with an impressive market share across the healthcare field of which Cerner occupies 25%. Cerner, with HIPAA compliance, is the much-preferred choice among the two, working for over 40 years, combining healthcare with information technology to link more people and establish more systems like  Ambulatory EHR

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How Hospitals Can Accelerate Innovation?

To reach the most vulnerable groups, the scale-up of successful, high-quality health innovations necessitates more significant knowledge of the hurdles to implementation and uptake. It also necessitates assistance in bridging the gap between health demand and innovation supply in countries. To serve this purpose, WHO will use a new collaborative method to scale health innovations

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In 2 Years, Healthcare Will Look Drastically Different (Here’s How)

The delivery of healthcare is transforming at an astonishing rate.  Digital and other technology improvements are being integrated into clinical care faster, and are bound to expand rapidly in the next 2 years. It’s not going to stop—in fact, the pace is actually getting faster. This can be frightening. What will the industry look like?

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Modern Trends in Healthcare Leadership

Even without Covid-19, the healthcare industry has been on track for significant changes for years now. Phrases like “data-implementation” had little meaning several decades ago. Now they are integral in providing the highest possible level of patient care. Modern healthcare leadership is expected to provide patients with a secure, tech-driven experience that is user-friendly and

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4 Emerging Technologies In Healthcare That Might Change Everything Imagine it’s 2035 and the world is a little different: we’ve finally adopted some of the emerging technologies in healthcare that people have been speaking about for years. You wake up one morning with a headache, feeling sore all over your body and that’s when you notice your phone is blinking. There’s a notification

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