Health Gadgets

How to Use Medical Alert Devices for Senior Safety?

When one has a senior in their home, it becomes paramount that they are taken care of. Seniors may also suffer from various other medical conditions like high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, etc. Many doctors advise seniors to use portable medical alert devices to monitor their blood pressure, heart rate, and other medical issues.  Also utilizing

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Injury Caused by Healthcare Robots: Who Is Responsible? When going for a consultation, patients can immediately gauge if their doctor or nurse is competent enough to manage their case. This is why many are confident in filing for a medical malpractice case if they can prove their healthcare provider is negligent. However, as we enter the tech era where the healthcare industry

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Recent Technological Breakthroughs That Are Slowly Changing Deaf People’s Lives

There have been recent developments in the technological advance for people with hearing problems – Find out all about the breakthroughs in this article! Introduction According to statistics from the European Union of the Deaf (EUD), there are 32 million deaf children worldwide, many of whom have difficulty learning to read. Nearly 90 percent of

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