Digital Health

How Tech Can Revolutionize Personal Health Care Needs

Technology has simply made our life better. From extending the average life span of humans to providing us drugs, diagnostic equipment, and medical support – it is all made possible due to the evolving research and development in technology pertaining to human health. While humans are consistently striving to personalize their health care needs, the

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Dental Health in the 21st Century

We live in a very fast-paced, ever-changing world. In recent years, we’ve experienced more than a decade’s worth of innovation than in the last fifty years combined. Technology advances at such a rapid pace that it’s often hard to keep up. However, those changes- especially the ones that benefit human health- are always exciting to

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The Top 8 Digital Health Technology Trends in 2021     Health technologies have evolved significantly over the past decade. The exciting thing is that there are a lot of new trends coming up to be excited about in the Health Industry. Currently, technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, and Virtual Reality are the most promising stuff to look out for in 2021. We have

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How are Digital Technologies Revolutionising the Healthcare Sector?

Globalization has increased the use of technology all over the world. Health care is an industry that has recently received attention from shareholders and customers. The need for its digitization has become apparent. In 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted the need for digital healthcare. The remote consultations and intuitive mobile applications are all

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Digital Health: The Future of Healthcare?

With the increasing penetration of the internet, rising usage of smartphones and other advanced devices, and growing digitization, digital health is quickly becoming an integral component of modern healthcare. In simpler terms, digital health means using technology for treating and managing diseases and improving an individual’s health and wellness. It covers everything from ingestible sensors,

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Patient Identification: A Necessity in the Need of Necessity

OVERVIEW: Considering the very necessity of e-health services and the risk factors arising from it, patient identification seems to be inevitable more than ever. It is interesting and unfortunate at the same time that the healthcare industry has faced data breaches and identity thefts, more than any other industry has. Interesting because, unlike financial institutions,

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5 Benefits Of Using a Digital Doctor

If you don’t want to go out and see the doctor, no matter the reason, then check out these 5 benefits to using a digital doctor today. Going to the doctor can be an anxiety-ridden experience. As such, if you’re like a lot of people, you put off doctor appointments as long as you possibly

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Best Healthcare Doctor-Patient Scheduling Apps 2020

The advancements in technology have radically transformed the healthcare industry and our lives. The technology that has made us lazy by bringing convenience in our lives, is also helping us maintain our health. Technology in healthcare has improved the healthcare system, reduced costs for patients and healthcare providers, and improved diagnosis and treatments of diseases.

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